Saturday, April 26, 2008

A Good Day to Start

"This is a good day to start." Sipping my coffee on the porch, I was enjoying the fresh smell of the morning breeze as I looked over the lawn. Rain was predicted, but instead the day was mild - just enough hint of warm weather to tease me. It was starting to green up pretty well, but was still littered with the small branches and other debris left over from what seemed an extraordinarily long winter. Not too mention the damage from the moles that had left the front yard looking like it had been bombed. Yep, a good day to start. As I sat there, sipping, reflecting (but definitely not starting), I decided that this would be my motto for the next season. Seems I have been in the mood for fresh starts. (What a cliche - spring, fresh start, blah blah blah). Nonetheless, that is where I am finding myself.

Recently diagnosed with diabetes, I have decided that my health was definitely an area needing a fresh start. Along with Mom, my sis and my niece, I joined WW (again). This time, I am focusing on good health, not just weight loss. Oh yeah...and exercise. I don't think a "fresh start" is the appropriate term there. Let's just stick with "a start". So I did blow the cobwebs off the Gazelle, and had the DH actually reassemble the treadmill that was dismantled during our move 2 years ago.

We have also been imbibing in a delectable anti-oxidant drink called Monavie. Not only is it packed with all kinds of nutritional goodies, it's pretty darn yummy. We are all sleeping better, feeling a little perkier and a lot less achy since we started. It's all about balance. I don't think it is a cure all (nor is it promoted as such), but I do think that it is helping put my body back in a natural balance where it can start functioning properly. DH calls it "snake oil", but he is first in line to get his morning shot. I'm loving it.

Finally, I'm on medical leave from work while I recover from a small surgery. I have been so stressed, and so frustrated at work, I can't tell you how I am looking forward for the time away to regroup. For the most part, I love my job and work for an incredible company. However, they also have very high standards and expect a high level of performance. This is a good thing, right? Then why do I find myself at the breaking point? I intend to spend the next few weeks doing some serious self review to find out how my behaviors are contributing to the stress. Why do I allow myself to be pushed to this point? My frustration has been directed at "my job", but I have realized that this is something that is within my control. My Sis has given me a few CD's that I am listening to about Balance and the Laws of Attraction. Not my normal perspective, but I am going to approach with an open mind. Maybe while I am blowing the cobwebs off the exercise equipment, I can blow away a few in the dusty corners of my mind that harbor some self defeating behaviors and thought patterns. Ha ha...maybe that's the wrong analogy. I might need a plumber. LOL

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